Presente perfecto continuo ejemplos

8.9/10 - (49 votos)

El presente perfecto continuo es un tiempo especial que habla de acontecimientos del pasado que se prolongan en el presente.

Aquí tienes algunos ejemplos.

Ejemplos del presente perfecto continuo

Ejemplos de oraciones afirmativas

Construcción de una oración afirmativa en presente perfecto continuo

Sujeto + Have/has + been + verbo +-ing + objeto.

Estructura de la oración afirmativa inglesa en presente perfecto continuo

Ejemplos de presente perfecto continuo:

  • I have been reading for 2 hours.
  • He has been working at that company for three years.
  • He has been watching TV for two hours.
  • They have been complaining for days.
  • Recently, I have been feeling really tired.
  • I have been learning French since I went to school.
  • You have been sleeping too long and missing breakfast.
  • He has been working on the project for past three days.
  • Dog has been barking for five hours.

Ejemplos de oraciones negativas

Construcción de oraciones negativas para el presente perfecto continuo:

Sujeto + Have/has + not + been + verbo + -ing + objeto.

Estructura de la frase negativa inglesa en presente perfecto continuo

Ejemplos de presente perfecto continuo:

  • You don't understand because you haven't been listening.
  • Their mother has not been cooking all day.
  • It has not been moving since yesterday.
  • David has not been practising his English.
  • I have not been travelling.
  • They have not been complaining for days.
  • I have not been learning English.
  • She's not been reading that book all day.
  • It has not been raining.
  • They have not been eating since morning.

Ejemplos de preguntas

Construcción de preguntas para el presente perfecto continuo:

Have/has + sujeto + been + verbo + -ing + objeto?

Estructura de la oración interrogativa inglesa en presente perfecto continuo

Examples of present perfect continuous tense:

  • Has it been raining?
  • Has he been living here since 2008?
  • How long have you been learning English?
  • Have you been waiting here for two hours?
  • Have you been exercising lately?
  • Has he been smoking since 2017?
  • Why have you been disturbing me?
  • What have you been doing since I last saw you?

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8.9/10 - (49 votos)