50 oraciones en presente continuo o progresivo

8.5/10 - (1009 votos)

Aquí tienes 50 oraciones sencillas en presente continuo (present continuous):

  1. I am reading a book.
  2. They are playing basketball.
  3. He is watching television.
  4. She is cooking dinner.
  5. We are studying for the exam.
  6. The dog is barking loudly.
  7. It is raining outside.
  8. They are laughing at a joke.
  9. She is dancing in the living room.
  10. He is running in the park.
  11. The children are playing in the playground.
  12. We are listening to music.
  13. The baby is sleeping peacefully.
  14. They are painting a picture.
  15. He is typing an email.
  16. She is practicing the piano.
  17. The workers are building a new house.
  18. We are having a picnic in the park.
  19. They are swimming in the pool.
  20. He is fixing his car.
  21. She is taking photographs.
  22. The students are working on a group project.
  23. We are planning a trip.
  24. The chef is preparing a delicious meal.
  25. They are cleaning the house.
  26. He is playing video games.
  27. She is jogging in the morning.
  28. The birds are chirping in the trees.
  29. We are watching a movie at home.
  30. They are planting flowers in the garden.
  31. He is riding his bicycle.
  32. She is writing a letter.
  33. The train is arriving at the station.
  34. We are attending a concert tonight.
  35. They are practicing their lines for the play.
  36. He is teaching English to foreign students.
  37. She is knitting a sweater.
  38. The baby is crawling on the floor.
  39. We are exploring a new city.
  40. They are organizing a charity event.
  41. He is exercising at the gym.
  42. She is feeding the ducks in the pond.
  43. The chef is tasting the soup.
  44. We are enjoying the sunset on the beach.
  45. They are taking photos of the beautiful scenery.
  46. He is playing the guitar.
  47. She is trying on different outfits.
  48. The children are learning to ride their bikes.
  49. We are waiting for the bus.
  50. They are packing their suitcases for the trip.

Estas frases muestran varias actividades, acciones y estados que ocurren en el momento presente, utilizando el tiempo presente progresivo o continuo.

El presente continuo o progresivo

El presente progresivo (present progressive), también conocido como presente continuo (present continuous), se utiliza para describir acciones o acontecimientos que están sucediendo en el momento presente. Enfatiza la naturaleza continua de una acción que está en curso. En este tiempo, el verbo to be se combina con el participio presente (forma con sufijo -ing) del verbo principal. Se suele utilizar para hablar de acciones en curso, situaciones temporales o disposiciones futuras. Por ejemplo, la frase I am reading a book indica que la acción de leer está ocurriendo ahora mismo.

Ejemplos de oraciones en presente continuo


8.5/10 - (1009 votos)